Lakeside Presbyterian Church Advent 2024

Calling All Angels
An Advent Season of Fearlessness and Strength
This season, we will call upon the wisdom and inspiration of angels. Each angel that appears in the story of Jesus’ birth begins their message saying “Do not be afraid.” What about us… what are we afraid of? Where are our angels? And what would we do differently if we were not afraid? This Advent, we will remember that the ancient angelic chorus is not just a gentle coo – it is a firm call to courage and a timeless message of hope. Hark, the herald angels are singing! If we truly listen, what good news will we hear?
Lakeside Staff
The Book Devotional
Calling All Angels: An Advent Study of Fearlessness and Strength
The Calling All Angels book inspires our theme and will be used in our Adult Education class. It includes thematic reflections along with daily readings. You can order it online for yourself (it comes in Kindle and physical form). We recommend ordering from the PC(USA) Store, where it is currently 35% off.
The Printed Devotional
Do Not Be Afraid: An Illustrated Devotional
The Do Not Be Afraid devotional is available for free to anyone in the Lakeside community. Pick up a printed copy at the church or email us to request a PDF version. Click below and put ‘Advent Devo’ into the email and we’ll ping it your way!
Advent Service Schedule
December 15 - Prepare Him Room 5:00PM
December 22 - Week 4: Lessons & Carols 11:00AM
December 29 - 1st Sunday after Christmas 11:00AM
Join Us This Advent Season
Experience the joy and wonder of Advent with us at Lakeside Presbyterian Church. From inspiring services to meaningful community events, there’s something for everyone. Join us in celebrating the season and making lasting memories. We look forward to welcoming you!