Lakeside Vision and Strategy Presentations
 Congregational Luncheon, September 11, 2022
On Sunday, September 11th, the congregation gathered for lunch and presentations from the three groups that have been working these past months toward Lakeside’s new vision and strategy.
Presentation from Elemental Churches Team
presented by Peggy Golden
Presentation from the Personnel Committee
presented by Tim Dingler
Presentation from the Horizon Initiative Task Force
presented by Tom Clark
Summary Statement from Elemental Churches:
Thank you all for your time and attention. To summarize, this initial plan is rolling out over the next 2 years to meet the 4 main goals identified by the Elemental Churches Work Group. Our recommended plan encompasses the efforts from these 3 committees to assist Lakeside in its transition toward a new horizon. While there are named champions for the goals within this plan, this will need involvement from each of you here today! It will also need our shared openness to the leading of the Holy Spirit and continued trust in God’s faithfulness. We are truly excited for session to fully endorse this plan and for the congregation to answer the call to be our partner on this journey.