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There’s always something going on at Lakeside!  The Fellowship & Evangelism Committee is a crossroads of ideas and scheduling and encouragement.  For example:

  • At the Table is on the 2nd Sunday of each month, is a family event with activities, worship, and a scrumptious dinner prepared by our Food for Thought Teams.
  • Scheduled Events just for Fun include going to Florence Freedom games, Fellowship Dinners in church member homes, Theater events, game nights and special holiday gatherings at church, and much more!
  • Family Camp each late-May draws a good cross-section of the church, a wide range of ages, and a variety of definitions of the word “camping.”  Some rough it in tents;  others bring their own forms of luxury.  Plan to join us!

How would you know when these events are coming?  Check out Lakeside Life.  Check out NEWS FROM CHURCH, the weekly e-mail blast, you can sign up by clicking HERE.  Watch for the Sunday Bulletin available online Fridays for information about upcoming events.





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