Like many of us, Peter has a wandering heart. His journey is not polished, or linear, or perfect, but he is always tethered to the love of God. When you look closely at Peter’s story, you find Jesus at each step along the way—offering him abundance, catching him when he begins to sink, challenging him when he stands in the way, washing his feet, predicting his betrayal, and offering him agape love. This Lent, we’re joining Peter in figuring out faith. We’re not idolizing or vilifying him; instead, we’re hoping to wander alongside him, open to what we might learn about Jesus (and ourselves) by stepping in Peter’s shoes.
Sunday worship will open with a time of silence as we let go of our weeks and enter a time where God can be cultivated within us.
Daily video devotionals show how members of our community have experienced cultivating and letting go in their own spiritual lives. Sign up for our weekly “News from Church” email to receive these devotionals.
To help all of us reconnect with each other, grow in our faith and maybe even have some fun, these small groups of 6-10 people will be building around a book: Richard Rohr’s Simplicity: The Freedom of Letting Go.